Sulphur Bluff, Texas, USA


Things Against Stuff

Over the last few days I have been asking myself -"Why do I pay so much energy and attention to making pots?" and, "Why does pottery seem so important to me?"

Now, I like talkin' grand scheme, so...

In the grand scheme of THINGS, things that are made to contain other things are at the very bottom rung of importance. Think chinese buffet to-go clam shell styrofoam boxes. I'm talkin' down there with smart cars, mtv, or the washington redskins. Things of rock bottom importance.

Essentially, people are eating their food and drinking their coffee out of trash.

In our culture, containers have been reduced to u-haul, starbucks, and wal-mart sacks. The containers we use are an accurate indicator of how Corporatism has consumed our culture (please don't commonly confuse corporatism with capitalism here).

One of the main reasons I love making pottery is because of how the pottery itself is at least equal in value to its contents. It restores basic human dignity by keeping us from eating off of trash.

There is an excellent show CLICK HERE that is exclusively ceramic containers, check it out and BUY HANDMADE, or go buy a redskins jersey.

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